Wisdom comes one courageous step at a time

EnneagramUK services are designed to help your team grow and connect deeply

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Our aim is to provide bespoke Enneagram services to you, your team or organisation. We want to help facilitate spaces for individuals and teams that create resilient, mature and aware people who learn how to value themselves and appreciate difference in others.

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Individual Typing

A 60 – 75 minute 1:1 session designed to help you identify your type pattern. This can be done in person or online. This includes a full and detailed report.

Discovering your type is the first step of working with the Enneagram. A typing interview is by far the best way to do this. As qualified typing interviewers, we will take you through a thoughtful and detailed process to discover your type. We will offer reflections and insights to help you further notice your type patterns and start considering your next steps.

There is no preparation required, no right or wrong answers, turn up and be yourself.

Team Training

We will spend time listening to you and designing training days around your team’s specific needs. Most of our clients find working through the EnneagramUK Discovery Programme over the course of a year is a very helpful way of bringing the Enneagram into the culture of the organisation. The EnneagramUK Discovery Programme is made up of 4 separate days and we suggest at least a 3 month gap between training days.

Introduction To Type – This first day focus on introducing the Enneagarm to your team, how we should work with it, history and benefits. We will then run through all the nine types and hear from each type in the room. This is a brilliant day for starting to understand the differences in your team and how you can understand and therefore work better together. 

Introduction To Defences – Each of the nine Enneagram types has a defence system that holds the type pattern in place. This day focuses on introducing each type’s defence system and how your people can learn to identify the defence system when it’s in operation. 

Introduction To Subtypes – The Subtypes are a deeper layer of the Enneagram and they teach us how our type pattern shows up in the world. This day will look at the three instincts and how these relate to your teams main type pattern to create your subtype.

Growth and The Enneagram – The Enneagram offers so much space for growth and change. In this day we will focus on growth models your team can easily adopt together as they move forward with their growth.

After the Discovery Programme has been completed we are happy to work with your senior leadership to assess and build a growth pathway to continue to take your team deeper on their growth journey. 

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Leadership Coaching

We believe positive organisational culture change comes when your leaders pursue their own growth journey.  1:1 Enneagram Leadership Coaching is intentional 1:1 investment into your leaders. Our leadership coaching sessions will allow your leaders to go deeper in their personal growth, examining their story and type pattern in depth. Personal growth is all about discovery, compassion and courage but it also takes commitment to a process.

We will work with your team members to help them identify key stumbling blocks and blind spots in their growth, what their type pattern is giving and taking from them, how they are defending themselves, as well as many practical suggestions and exercises to work on between sessions.

It's time to shine bright

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Our mission is to help people everywhere to unearth and embrace their true self in order to live life with greater freedom, passion and purpose.

© 2024 EnneagramUK